
Intel integrated graphics drivers
Intel integrated graphics drivers

intel integrated graphics drivers

The times also don’t seem to fit with any background task that I can identify. Some of the crashes happened an hour or two after I last used the computer, other crashes were 12+ hours after. This doesn’t obviously fit with my usage of the computer. The same sequence of errors appeared five times over the last week, at seemingly random times of day: 9:25 AM, 5:25 PM, 1:26 AM, 8:21 AM, 12:57 PM. The computer was frequently crashing and rebooting whenever I was away: Here I found symptoms of a very different problem than I’d imagined. I never witnessed the update reboot happening (or whatever it was), but when I’d leave the computer unattended for a couple of hours or overnight, I’d often find an empty desktop when I returned.Įventually I thought to check the Windows event viewer (Control Panels -> System and Security -> Administrative Tools -> View Event Logs). But the problem reappeared every day or two over the next week, sometimes even happening twice in the same day. That would be annoying, but at least it would be explained, and wouldn’t happen too often. Probably it was downloading and installing updates overnight, rebooting the computer afterwards. My first thought was to suspect Windows Update. All the programs and documents that I’d left open from my previous session were gone.

intel integrated graphics drivers

When I’d sit down at the computer in the morning, I’d find a log-on screen and a blank desktop. The mystery began shortly after the new computer was put into service.

intel integrated graphics drivers

This computer is running Windows 10 Pro with whatever drivers HP saw fit to preinstall. A few weeks ago I upgraded to a new PC, choosing an HP Elitebook x360 laptop that’s mainly used in a desk-bound docked mode. Here’s a mystery for Windows-lovers (or haters) – unexplained crashes in the Intel integrated graphics driver whenever the computer is left unattended.

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    Intel integrated graphics drivers